Friday, July 24, 2009

Cocktail Art and Eco Home Tour

Very exciting announcement to make- my friend Jean Sanders is hosting an All Request Summer Cocktail Week on her blog, Fine Art Daily.  

The deadline is TODAY! at 5:00.  Just send her your recipe and if it's chosen for her to feature, she will "award you grandly" with the painting.  


I believe I'll submit one of our "Signature Cocktails" from our wedding in St. Thomas, the Oceanrita.  

Speaking of rita, Jean has reminded us that today is National Tequila Day.  Celebrate accordingly!

Additionally, if you're in Atlanta this weekend, you may want to check out Greenhaven Home in Chelsea Landing- a model for green building and sustainable design.  The homes are open for free tours this weekend through Sunday August 9.
Click on the slide!
Have a fabulous weekend and, as always, thanks so much for reading!
