Teenagers and kids require lot of space in their rooms to store their stuff like books, games and various other things but they normally are crunched for space because of small rooms. To make up for this the only thing possible is to plan to room design and give it a through thought of how can you still manage in that room with all your stuff. The examples shown below give ideas of how to make small teen room design which could accommodate everything a teenager might need. The rooms include work desks, beds, wardrobes and plenty storage cabinets placed on very small area.
Teenager Room Designs For Small Rooms |
Teen Room Designs For Small Rooms |
Kids Designer Room For Small Rooms |
Designs For Small Rooms Of Children |
Making Small Room Look Spacious |
From : http://www.homedecorarcade.com/kids-room-child-children-room-decor/5-designs-teen-bedroom-designs-small-rooms/